I am so blessed by all the messages I got from so many people about the blog "What are you waiting for". Your openness touched me! I want everyone to know that we all go through "those times". Don't ever feel like you're alone. That is how darkness works. It makes us feel as if 'no one understands', 'no one else ever goes through things that I am going through'...LIES!!
We all do/have/will go through things. It is important to bring those things to light. To be open with someone about it. In doing so you take away the power of the 'thing' you're going through. You cause it to lose it's hold on you. You make it weak! Never hide pain, sin, or things that could so easily destroy you. Share with someone you trust. Find a Godly friend/mentor. Open the hidden things. Let's brighten up the house!
Since last I wrote we have been busy making contacts. These last 2 months that has been the name of the game. December and January found Mike 'cold' calling pastors all over the area. NOT FUN! But through those calls we have been able to connect with a few new contacts! Relationship is so important and that is what takes up most of the time for us. Sitting down with these men and woman and sharing our hearts and listening to theirs. Mike will start back to 'long distance' trips next month. This once again means he will be away for weeks at a time so please keep him in prayer (safety, favor and many SUCCESSFUL meetings). For the boys and I, pray that we remain safe and the household runs smoothly while he is away!
Christmas was particularly fun this year. We had a friend (Isabel) from Brazil, that we met in Germany summer of '13, come to stay with us. Her friend had moved to Washington, DC a while back from Brazil. This was Isa's first time in the States so of course first American Christmas. Oh boy...it would be putting it mildly to say I enjoyed every minute of buying her and her friend gifts and surprises so they could truly be a part of our culture's Christmas! They were spoiled from the minute they arrived till they left ;)
We have also been able to connect with some of Mike's extended family that we might never have gotten to truly know. It has been great to 'grow' family ties!
We have continued to up-date our little townhouse. We had to tear out the kitchen from top to bottom, both bathtubs and bathroom sinks. We had to replace flooring in many rooms and we are still working on painting EVERYthing :) We have been able to do most the work ourselves. It is coming together quite nicely. It was a rental before...so yeah...
The boys continue to do very well in school. They seem to have found a nice rhythm to pass the days. They are happy to not have to do so much traveling...we are happy to not have them cramped in a small car for hours on end! I do miss traveling and meeting so many amazing people but I have been able to do quite a bit of it these last 2 months with Mike keeping travel to NC. I know it is important for the boys to have the stability of 'daily routine' so it works well this way!
I can't close a blog without something God has been showing me (it just wouldn't seem right :)
So I tell you tale.
A Tale of Two Children *Galatians 4:21-31 NLT*
We all know the story. God promised Abraham a son but he was old and Sarah was barren. They were both excited to say the least and probably 'went to town' trying to fulfill the promise or it could have been the opposite. They didn't try to hard because they really couldn't see how God would fulfill the promise through them.
Either way they couldn't wait any longer and decided God's heavenly promise needed a little earthly help! So Abe got a slave women pregnant.
vs 23 -The son of a slave woman was a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God's promise-
THEN the heavenly promise came...
When we try to operate ahead of God's promises or try to give them earthly help bad things can happen! We very easily could end up a 'slave' to those things instead of what God has promised us. We need patience to see through to God's promises. We of course have to do our part but that is all that is required of us. Abraham and Sara had their part to play but they became easily discouraged and impatient.
Discouragement + Impatience = A Slave Child
Patience + Peace + Belief = A Free Child
vs 30 -So get rid of the slave and her son because they will not share the inheritance with the Free Woman's Son-
We must make every attempt to only BARE God's promises and not have a Slave Child! We must hold fast and keep the faith. We most believe the promises God has spoken over our lives. We must be patient AND do our part. We must bare Free Children!
vs 29 -The (free) child born by the power of the Holy Spirit-
My prayer after reading this has been -'Holy Spirit help me to only bare Free Children. Help me to hold fast and keep steady the course set for me. Father God, forgive me when I jump ahead and try to make things work before your time and bare slave children. Keep me patient!'
chapter 5:1 -Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you STAY FREE-