Sunday, August 18, 2024

What's your excuse?

3 years have passed since my last blog...opps! So much of living life has gone into those 3 years! We bought a house and took "career" jobs. Our older son bought his first home about 2 hours away and our younger son spent some time in Germany. We have chickens :)

Life has marched on for us! It's been 'quiet' since returning from Germany. After so many years in ministry, pastoring, restoring churches, being on the road, pouring ourselves out over and over had taken its toll. When we realized we were unexpectedly 'settling down' it was hard. I felt 'washed up', soul-tired, a little lost. God, in his gracious way, led me through each stage of what I felt. He allowed me to take my time and sat with me when I was not quite ready to move on. He gently prodded when I stayed to long. He has shown up and showed off like only he can!!

I believe these last few years have been for our boys sake. They needed the stability of 'normal' everyday life. They needed the advanced education they found by being able to mix college with high-school. They needed to find themselves outside of their parents ministry!

God has been so faithful through this time. He has brought so much joy, peace and endless blessings. I have always said I have loved each chapter of life, however, there is something about this chapter that I am enjoying above all others!  Seeing my boys mature into men and finding friendship with them. Growing older with Michael. Finding myself. Finding the beauty each morning when I see the handiwork of God in the clouds. So many things I am grateful for!

A story in the Bible caught my attention the other day and I have been thinking about it. John 5:1-9. It is the story of the lame man that lay near the pool of Bethesda. He had laid there for 38 years!! Jesus happened by one day and asked him "Would you like to be made well?" Instead of saying a resounding "YES" the man had an excuse. "I can't sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up, someone always gets there ahead of me." A little background on the story-when the water was 'bubbling' only the first person to step into it was healed!

Let's take a deeper look into this story. 

We don't know how old the man is. I don't think he was born lame. I think he had a full life before something happened to him. Maybe a horse accident, war injury, or a sickness left him lame. Whatever the reason, he was left at the pool to try to gain access to his healing. He was also left because he was a burden to those around him. "I have no-one."

I wonder if at first he stayed right next to the water, just waiting for it to bubble up. He knew if he could just roll into the water he would be healed. Year 1 bubbles- someone from the back runs into the water right as he begins to roll. Disappointment courses through his body, he determines he will be faster the next time. Year 2 bubbles- the lady sitting on the other side of the pool jumps in. He thinks 'how am I ever going to be the first one in? So many broken people all around me. So many others more qualified then me to access the water first."

Throughout the next few years he becomes friends with more and more of the people around him. The next bubbling of the water he is towards to middle of the group playing a game with some of the guys. Things are becoming comfortable for him. He begins to forget that he is there for the healing water. Of course, some days are harder than others and sometimes he still drags himself near the water to touch it and hope it will begin to bubble.

Further into his stay he moves towards the back. Thoughts of healing become less and less as he begins to accept where he is in life. The water bubbles but he hardly looks up anymore. He is to busy playing games and talking about life around him. He has stopped dreaming, stopped hoping, stopped believing. He has accepted that there will always be someone else that is faster, better, more qualified then him. He has accepted that he has no one to love him, nor provide a move to the water when it bubbles. He has accepted that he will never have more of a life then he has right now.

He has forgotten what it means to be made whole. 

"Would you like to get well?" 

"I can't, sir! I don't know if I have the faith. I have forgotten what it would be like to be out of this place of stagnancy. I have accepted this lot in life. Someone else is more deserving than me. My dreams have dried up. I am forgotten."

What is your excuse?? 

Maybe at first you didn't mean to surrender your God given dreams. You held them close, holding them oh so close to your heart. Dreaming day by day as you sat at your heavenly Father's feet. Believing all the promises you read in the Bible were for you. Trusting God had "big things" for your life. Sharing the love of Jesus with everyone you knew. Praying with a heart ablaze with belief.

Little by little life began to eat away at you. Worry, fear, self-doubt began to ever so slowly creep in. Little by little your soul was torn. Little by little you gave away your freedom and accepted the things life started to hand you. Little by little you let go of your dreams and began to clutch insecurity, anxiety, depression. Little by little you gave up, you allowed darkness to cover the bright light that once radiated out from the very depths of you.

"Would you like to get well?" 

"But sir I can't. I don't deserve to dream anymore. I don't deserve to work for you. I am a mess. I am defined by where I am now. Someone else is special, more deserving of your grace."

Jesus says, "stand up, pick up your mat and walk." 

"That's enough, NO more excuses. Stand up, walk out of the shadows of who you've become. Dream again, hope anew, believe my thoughts towards you are that of a loving father. You are enough. I have called you. I have equipped you. Let go of the lies you hold so tightly to. Give them to me and I will give you what I promised."

INSTANTLY, the man was healed! He rolled up his mat and began walking! Just like that you will be restored if you but call on the name of the Lord! You will not have to beg, barter, nor work yourself back into his 'good graces.' Instantly, he wants to bring you into a right relationship with him. 

SO the question God is asking you today is, "my Son, my Daughter, would you like to get well?" 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Is this popular?

"Ma'am, you work here.  Can you help me?"  I turned to find an older lady that had pulled down 3 different pictures and was trying to decide which one she wanted to buy. 

"How can I help?"  I ask. 

"Can you tell me if this picture is popular?  Have a lot of people bought it?"  She asks earnestly.  This question took me by surprise.  Not at all what I was expecting when being asked for help!

"Yes, this picture is popular but which one of these is a better match for the area you want to hang it in?"  I ask her.  She grabs another picture.  

"Is this one just as popular as that one?"  She asks.

"Yes, they are both good sellers."  I assure her.  She looks at me with big eyes.

"But which one is most popular, which one of these has everyone else bought?"  She asks me in a desperate voice.

"Ma'am" I say, "which one do YOU like better?  Which one will look good in the area you want to hang it in?"  Again the big eyed stare and a desperate look.  

"Which one do you like?  Is this one the most popular out of these pictures?"  She breathlessly asks.

"Ma'am, I like this one over that one but how do you feel about it?"  I again ask her.

"As long as it is most popular and you like it."  She says as she thanks me and drops my choice and the "most popular" one into her cart.

I thought about her the rest of the day.  My heart ached for her.  She had to be in her late 60's.  To be SO desperate to be accepted and only wanting "what is most popular."  It made me wonder if she had ever known what "SHE LIKED!" 

How many of us live for others?  How many of us look through desperate eyes wanting to just fit in with the culture and people around us.  I know this is not a 'profound' blog.  We have all heard many sermons on this.  BUT have we ever stopped to really think about it??

This encounter really shook me to the core.  It made me take another look at myself and my longing to be accepted by society and those around me.  "Is this popular right now?  Is this acceptable to help me fit in?"  Come on...I don't care who you are...our hearts have ALL whispered these questions at some point!

I am going through a devotional with my son, it is called Experiencing God, excellent and would highly recommend it!!  Going through it has again reminded me that each person's relationship with God is uniquely different!  Let me say that again...EACH person's relationship with God is UNIQUELY DIFFERENT!!!  But "I already know this" you say to me!

"Do you?"  I ask. "Do you really believe this?"  If we did, we would all live with so much more authority, joy and confidence in our relationship with God!  We can not let our past or people 'consign' who we are.  I was unsure how that word worked when the author used it in the devotional.  So I looked it up.  

Consigned ~ deliver something to a person's custody.
Custody ~ the protective care or guardianship of someone or something.

So in other words, how many of us have allowed others, our past, or the enemy deliver into our protective care beliefs that are NOT what our heavenly father has for us??  

We all live so small!  We fully believe the lies that have been fed to us from these three; our past, others and the enemy.  We hold them tight and keep them safe guarded from God's healing touch.  We, at times,  are like a small child holding a teddy bear to her heart as a shield.  Her hand is gripped so tightly to the bear that it would have to literally be torn from her grasp.  The lady, I encountered, reminded me of that small child.  Her eyes begged so earnestly for my approval and those around her.  Blind to her own wants and desires.

God is a God that SEESHe sees each one of us as his beloved child.  At times frightened, holding tightly to the lies that we believe.  He is so desperate to remove our grip from these lies.  He wants to heal us in such a deep way, so that we can fully embrace a very real and personal love relationship with him!

A love relationship must take place between 2 people!  God is practical and real in how he wants to relate to us.  He finds and reaches out to each one of us where we are at. Once we accept to have a love relationship with him, we should be ever progressing in that relationship.  Think about your own relationships.  I can guarantee they have grown and progressed as the years have gone by. 

The same should be said about your relationship with God.  He is always initiating a love relationship with mankind.  It is up to each one of us to accept and say 'yes' to that relationship.  

Everything in your present life depends on the quality of your love relationship with God!

"Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength." 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Be Still

I sit here torn.

My first "baby" is heading to college on Friday.  I am proud of all the hard work he has put in to get to this point.  I am so glad he wants to further his education and understands the value of a college degree in this crazy world we live in.  I am happy that by all outward appearances he seems 'ready' to be fully independent.


I wonder

Did I empower him enough to stand against everything that this world will throw at him?  Have I helped him build a strong enough foundation to withstand the shaking he is about to receive?   Will he run to God or away when temptations comes knocking?  Have I given him enough to stand on his own to 2 feet?

I draw comfort in knowing I have laid the tools in his hands.  It is his choice how he yields them.

Was I a perfect parent...hahahaha...who ever is???  I do know I have loved him fiercely.  I have and will always 'go to battle' in prayer for him.  The devil knows Ethan has a 5'3" mamma fighting tooth and nail for his soul!  The devil knows, cross me and he has to deal with the armies of Heaven!

Ethan is incredibly smart and wonderfully resourceful.  His level of stubbornness has caused me to stop and wonder if I should be impressed or horrified!  When he sets his mind to something you can be absolutely sure NOTHING will change it!!  He has a very tender spirit and a kind heart.  His level of intuition, when it comes to reading people's intentions, is amazing.  He is a very 'old soul' trapped in a young man's body.

I pray all the things that make up my son comes together and propels him to the next level.  When the ground begins to shake under him I pray that stubbornness kicks in and he grabs hold of God.  I pray when the devil comes knocking Ethan's intuition tells him 'to hit the road'.  I pray he sets his mind on things above and not on things of this world.

But my biggest prayer is that this will be the time that Ethan chooses for himself who he will serve!  That he finds who he is in Christ and who Christ is in him.  That God will become very real and a close friend to him.  That the God of his childhood will become the glorious victor he has heard so much about!

Please pray these things with me as Ethan takes one of the biggest steps he will ever have to take.

I can't write a blog without this...

I was asked a few weeks back by a very close friend to pray about something with her.  I did not know the situation but I prayed throughout the night and kept hearing "be still and know that I am God."  I thought...well, ok God, great, if that is not the most "christainese" thing you can say to me to tell her then I don't know what is!!  Not I kept hearing it.

Morning hit and I decide I was not going to get anything else for her.  So ok, fine...let's see where this goes.  I was drawn to Exodus 14:14.  Wait a minute...I can tell you the 'be still and know' verse is not found in Exodus it is Psalm 46:10.  Come on everyone has a meme or picture or hey, I even have it on the cutest little piece of wood over my kitchen doorway.  Why God, would you ever direct me to Exodus 14:14...what does it even say?

Exodus 14:14 (NIV)  "The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still."

Exodus 14:13, 14 (NLT)   "Don't be afraid.  Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.  The Lord himself will fight for you.  Just stay calm."

Ok, wow, these are awesome!  Moses was reassuring the people under him with these words.  This is great.  I love it, thanks God!  I will write her this...Wait...What?? Read More...Why???

Exodus 14:15 "Then the Lord said to Moses. "why are you crying out to me?  Tell the people to GET MOVING!  Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea.  Divide the water so the Israelite can walk though the middle of the sea on dry ground.  And I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians.  My great glory will be on display then all of Egypt will see my glory and know that I am God."

A quick back step...this is taking place as the Israelites were facing the Red Sea.  The Sea is before them the Egyptian army quickly catching up behind them.

So let me get this straight.  Moses is saying things we have all heard at one point or another in our Christian walk.  "Be still, know He is God, let him fight your battles."  What a wonderful comforting reminder!  Why would I want to read on?  I had to ask God what was up.

I felt he showed me there are 2 kinds of "be still".  The Exodus vs the Psalms.  There are times we are to 'be still', let God fight for us.  BUT there are other times Exodus comes into play...

As soon as Moses gets done telling the people to 'stand still and watch God.'  The very next verse God tells Moses "Wait a minute, buddy, tell the people to get moving!" in other words "There are things YOU NEED to do as I FIGHT FOR YOU!" "Pick up your staff" "Raise your hand" "Divide the water" and THEN "I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, my glory will be on display."

God showed me that as Moses did the physical work God did the Spiritual work.  Could Moses part the Red Sea?  Nope.  Could Moses change the hearts of the Egyptians?  Nope.

But he had to begin to do HIS PART to activate God's hand.  Moses had a list he had to complete WHILE God changed the atmosphere.

Look at this cool verse:

"Then the angel of God who was leading the people, moved to the rear of the camp...the cloud settled between the Egyptians and Israelite." Exodus 14:19,20

I love it!!  God, of course, was going to completely wipe out the Egyptians but he wanted Moses to have 'some skin' in the game.  He wanted Moses to take the steps to show God that he had faith that God would do what he said he would.  God didn't leave him open for attack.  God moved his angel to set up a perimeter of protection while He and Moses worked.

What are you facing in your life at this very moment?

Ask God what "be still" is to be applied to this situation?  Is it the beautiful Psalms "be still," rest, let God display is mighty power before you?  OR is it the Exodus "be still"?  Where you have some physical things to do as God works in the spiritual realm over you.  I find this one just as beautiful!  God and I teaming up, me in my limited strength holding my hands up showing him I know I can do nothing without him.  Moses probably laughed a little inside...what God? me part the Red Sea?  But I think he knew God was just asking him to show his faithfulness by picking up his staff and lifting his hands.

Ask God what is the 'physical work you have to do so He will work in the Spiritual realm.'  Ask God to move the angels to set up a boundary between you and whatever it is you are facing while you and God are at work!

"Let's get out of here away from these Isrealites- the Egyptians shouted,- the Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!" Exodus 14:25

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Where are they now?

Full time missions work to Germany has had to take a back seat.  No matter what we did nor how many hundreds of calls we made, all around the states to different churches, part-time was what God had in store for us.  The cost to live in Germany full time was becoming astronomical and many things were changing with the influx of immigrants.  It was 1 step forward 2 steps back many times over.

We did have so many amazing people come along side us throughout the journey and we are so incredibly thankful!  I could fill many pages with the miracles, here and in Germany, as we watched God have his way through our lives.  I am eternally grateful for the time spent there.  God moved in such amazing ways.  We treasure every moment we were used by God to spread his love.  So many connections made, so many lives changed.  Even the littler things were life altering...for example, our boys were immersed in another culture and saw much of our great big world.  There are so many 'God moments' that can never be taken away nor denied. 

I am not going to say it was easy to say goodbye to a dream.  It was in fact heart-breaking.  I spend many anguished moments questioning why?  Why did we start a journey to not see it completed (in our minds)?  Why did we give up everything to have 'nothing'?  Why did we work so hard to continually be set back?

I don't have answer to these questions but I can look back now and see the beautiful threads that are Germany weaved into the tapestry of our lives!  We are limited by human perception to know the effects we have had eternally.  We planned our way but it is God who ultimately decides the path!  I feel at peace knowing we were obedient to God.

God's hand of blessing has been heavy on us since our return back to the states.  We came home with literally nothing to our names.  Every dime was spent on the field doing the work.

We now own a townhouse and 'new to us' vehicles.  Ethan will graduate from high school with almost 2 years of college paid for.  He is 1 semester shy of having his Associate of Arts degree.  Joel will be taking the college placement exam next week so he can also take advantage of the same program.  Both Mike and I have full time work.

My job was completely a "fluke".  I walked into Hobby Lobby in November looking for something different after being weary from working in the mall.  I knew it was a LONG shot...I was right...they said they didn't have any open positions but I 'kept on talking' and eventually found myself in front of the big boss, by God's grace, I started work as a part-time seasonal cashier.  I was asked to stay on after Christmas.

Two weeks ago I was given a huge gift...anyone that knows the Hobby Lobby culture knows that full-time is not something that is handed out.  Some people at my work have been there a few years waiting for full-time!  Anyways, the boss brought me into his office and said they were so impressed with me that he wanted to offer me full-time as head of the Home Decor department.  HUGE JOB but God must know I can handle it :)  So I went from part time seasonal to a full time department head in 6 month!

We can't deny this is what God has for us right now.  It doesn't look anything like what we planned when we first started down the mission's road.  I don't know how to explain it.  We have always walked 'with God's blessing' on our lives, but this is a new season even for us.  I feel so loved on and cared for by my heavenly father right now.  Are things peaches and cream?  Absolutely NOT...we work very, very hard and have had to lay many things down.  Some days it feels like we are doing all we can to just keep our heads above water.  But even when doors close, it is a peaceful God is saying "no my child, it's not time for that yet.  I have something so much better in store for you.  Rest, enjoy, let me fill your cup to overflowing so that when the time comes you'll be ready and empowered for all that I have for you...just wait till you see it!!!" 

I know this is a bit different then past blogs.  I wanted to invite you for a quick peek into where we are at now in our lives.  Thank you for all the prayers that I know you have sent up for us.  Your love and support have moved mountains in our lives.  I leave you with this:

"When you catch a glimpse of your potential, that's when passion is born." ~ Zig Ziglar ~

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blind Bart

Michael will be leaving May 11th for Berlin.  He is meeting up with 4 Palestinian Christians from Bethlehem who are coming to plant a church for the Arabic speaking population.  We are very excited to be a part of this venture.  Please pray for him while he is gone - God's favor, safety and the power of the Holy Spirit flood every step he takes.  The boys and I will stay back this time around. Pray for us too!

We are praying for our next step and what that will look like.  Please join us in prayer for open doors and the rest of our support to come in.  We are moving towards the goal needed to be raised financially but still lack enough to keep us from living in Europe full time.  Pray and ask God what part you can play in seeing his kingdom come to the lost and hopeless of Europe.  We have a number of ways you can give so head on over to and see what way fits you best.  Thank you in advance!

I was reading Mark the other day and read a very well known story.  Chapter 10:46-52 tells the story of blind Bartimaeus.  Now I know we have all heard sermons preached and Sunday school lessons taught on this passage BUT please indulge me....

Bart (hey easier then writing out his full name plus spell check doesn't like it) was sitting like he did every day along the road near Jericho.  He was blind and so had to beg for his daily bread.  Sitting there in the hot sun day after day after day after...oh you get the picture.  I bet sitting along a major road allowed him to hear the latest gossip of that day.

"Did you hear what that Jesus fellow did the other day?"
"No, do tell."
"He commanded a lame man to walk.  Told him pick up his bed and walk."
"Well, what happened?  Did he walk?"
"He sure did, the man jumped up, rolled up his bed and walked like nothin' was ever wrong with him."
"No way, I don't believe it."

They continue to swap stories as they set off  down the road towards town.

'I wonder who they are talking about.'  Bart muttered to himself.  'Well time to call it quits for the day.'

Another day another dollar.

Sitting in the hot sun, drowsy, Bart begins to nod off.

"Jesus mumble mumble healed."

"Excuse me sir."  Bart jolts awake.  "Did you just say Jesus healed again?"

"What, oh sorry, didn't notice you sitting there.  Yes.  Jesus healed again.  A leper this time.  He's healing people all over the place."

"Do you know if he's healed any blind men?"  Bart asked, a bit of hope growing in his chest.

"Sorry, good man, can't say as I've heard a story like that yet."

"Do you know if he's coming this way?"  Again Bart's hope begins to push upward.

"I don't think anyone can say where he'll show up.  This Jesus fellow just seems to wander all over the hillsides, in and out of towns along the way.  He's got this large crowd always following him...strangest thing I've ever seen"  The man continues to mutter to himself as he wanders away leaving Bart there in the hot sun.

'If only he would come my way.  If only I could ask, I just know he could heal my blind eyes.' 

Day after day he sits wondering if today will be the day Jesus passes through his town.  Many times he hears the stories of him.  Just 2 days ago he heard the amazing story of Jesus feeding 5000 men with just "5 loaves and 2 fish, can you believe it, 5 little loaves of bread and 2 dried out fish.  Why I tell you it was the best dinner I've had in a long time."  Bart replays that conversation over and over in his mind.

'If only I could get to the next town Jesus will be in.'  But Bart has no friends interested in chasing down a guy.  A somewhat mythical guy at that.

Day after day in the hot sun he sits.  Day after day he hopes again.

One morning he wakes up.  Somethings different about this day, Bart can feel it in his bones.  'This is my day!'  He gathers up his begging cup and coat then stumbles to his usual spot along the road.

"Alms for the poor, help a blind man out."  Bart calls out over and over again.  The crowd noise grows louder.  Bart yells louder and louder.  'There must be a festival in town.'  He mutters to himself.  'This will be a good day indeed.'  New people in town always meant a little extra coins in his cup.

"Jesus, over here."  "Look over here, Jesus."  "This way, come this way, Jesus."

"WHAT,"  Bart's heart leaps.  "Please sir, what is going on?  Can anyone tell me what is going on?"  He reaches out and shakes a man's leg.

"Quiet, beggar, Jesus is over there and I don't want to be bothered with you.  This is my time to have a story to tell."  The man pushes Bart off his leg.

"JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! over here. Oh please Jesus, you are my only hope.  Heal my blindness"  Bart yells.  He can't believe it.  This is HIS day.  Today he will get his healing.  The healing he has spent days, weeks, months dreaming of.  Mark 10:47

"JESUS, JESUS please heal me"

"Quiet fool.  He's already walked pass you.  Jesus doesn't have time for you.  Go away beggar."  Mark 10:48a

"no No NO this can't be.  This is my day, my day to be healed."  Bart cries out in desperation. "JESUS PLEASE TURN AROUND.  PLEASE COME HERE."

The crowd is loud, pushing Bart around as he sits in the dirt.  He is becoming disoriented and increasingly alarmed that he will miss the one chance he has to be healed.  He can't remain blind forever.  Never before had he any hope of seeing but then he heard of this man, Jesus.  Ever since he has hoped against all hope that this Jesus would pass his way and he would see.

"JESUS. PLEASE. HEAL. ME."  he screams at the top of his lungs. Mark 10:48b

"Stop being so desperate."  A man beside him scolds. ~ How many of us have been quieted?  How many of us have loss hope in what God has spoken over us?  Who has lost dreams?  Who has been told to quiet down, stop being so desperate for more of God? ~

"JESUS HAVE MERCY ON ME"  He screams in one last attempt to receive his healing.

Suddenly he feels the crowd give way.  "What's going on?"  He asks a man beside him.  "It seems all your screaming has gotten you somewhere.  Cheer up, he's calling you."  The man slaps Bart on the shoulder.  Mark 10:49

"Jesus?"  Bart asks just above a whisper.  "Jesus heard me?  He wants me?  I'm going to be healed!  I matter to Jesus!"  

Bart throws off his coat, jumps up and goes to Jesus.  ~We could surmise a few things from this.  His coat might have had something to do with his class in the town.  Maybe it marked him as a beggar. Maybe nothing at all.  But it is curious that the Bible makes a point to state he threw it off.  Maybe it was a really expensive coat.  His only nice possession in life.  But he was willing to leave it all behind for his healing. Mark 10:50

Whatever the case is he doesn't stall or question or doubt.  He obeys instantly!! He doesn't turn to the man beside and say 'gee sir, I'm blind can you help me over to Jesus.'  Nor does he say 'Umm, hello Jesus, I'm blind you have to come to me.' (wow that could preach-perhaps another blog)

"What do you want me to do for you?"  Jesus ask Bart.  ~ He is asking you today what do you want me to do for you??  It's in these moments we must be very honest with ourselves and with Jesus. ~ The blind man didn't think to himself  'well come on now, can't you see from the milky whites of my eyes that I am blind?'

He BOLDLY spoke his need!!

"Good teacher, I want to see." Mark 10:51

No fear, no doubt, no questions.  Just an honest statement.  No beating around the bush, no playing games.  Pure honesty build with hope and trust.  He laid it all on the line.  He didn't say or ask for anything but what he had need and wanted the most.  "I WANT TO SEE!"  ~ I want to see.  I want to see others as God sees them.  I want to see myself as God sees me.  I want to fulfill all I was created to be.  I WANT TO SEE!!! ~

"GO for your faith has healed you!"  Jesus says to him. Mark 10:52a

Instantly Bart could see.  What a moment that had to be.  The word spoken.  His vision created. What did he see first?  The blue of the sky, the dust from the crowd, the green trees in the distance.  Jesus face.  All this and more.  He saw where he had come from and he knew where he was going.  He never returned to his coat, his old spot on the road, his way of life before Jesus.  He knew where he was going.

"Instantly the man could see and he followed Jesus down the road." Mark 10:52 b

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An hour's work for a full day's it fair?

I guess to say it's been awhile since last I wrote would be an understatement!

Things are going well.  We are still in the stage of raising the last bit of our support needed to be full time in Germany.  We have been over there numerous times and feel it is time for the long term to start.  I explained it to a friend the other day like this: We have all the building supplies ready to build a "house" now we just need to be there to do the work.  You can't start building and keep leaving the supplies and half a house out to the elements.  Once you start building it's vital to continue till the house is build!  We have been blessed to complete many short term goals and excited for the "supplies" we have ready for the long term goals. 

Please...if you've ever thought about giving to the ministry of reaching souls for Christ in Germany NOW is the time to give!!!  We need about $2000.00 more a month for the German government to be "ok" with us staying there long term.  We would love to have the money raised by March.  This is the deadline to get the boys into a good school there.  Head to our website and read more about 'why Germany' and 'about us'.  Then please pray and hit the donation button to see ways you can help!  We can't wait to be there full time.  Everyday we are here in the States wears on us...our hearts cry out to be doing the work we know God has called us to do in Germany.  Please help us!

As I have thought about writing a blog for the last few weeks I always think about writing of what God has been showing me.  It's been quite a while since my last blog so there are many things He has showed me.  I'll write about one of those things below.

Parable of the Vineyard Workers (Matthew 20:1-16)

IF ever there is an illustration that is hard to swallow it’s this one;

A landowner went into town early in the morning and hired a bunch of workers to work all day in his vineyard.

They agreed to the wage of a full day's work.

He went out again at 9:00 am, again at noon and at 3:00 to hire more workers.  At 5:00 pm he was back in town and found a few more workers that had not been hired by anyone for the day.

He told them to go ahead and work his vineyard till the end of the work day.

When time came to pay everyone he started with the ones just hired at 5:00.  He gave them a FULL day’s pay for an hour of work.  The ones hired first, who had worked the full day, saw this and probably whispered among themselves “wow, if he paid them a full day’s pay for an hour of work can you imagine what he is going to pay usI bet we will get double or even triple that amount.”

Their turn in line came and when they held out their hands the boss placed the same amount he had given to all the other workers.

What how can this be?? Have we not worked all day out in the hot sun for you?  You gave the ones that worked in the cool of the evening the same amount as you are now paying us.  This is NOT FAIR!  We expected more for the amount of work we did.”

But wait” the owner says “did you not agree to a set amount when you came here to work for me?  Why would I give you more?  Anyways it’s my money and I can do with it as I wish.  I wish to be kind!”

So many things are found here:

1)  What proof that it’s not about works that gets you a reward.  It’s not how hard you work that will get you into the kingdom.  It is only because of the shed blood of Christ and his kindness towards us.

2)  It's NEVER to late to start working for God!!  It's never to late to fulfill the call of God on your life!  I think this should excite many people!  Yes, ok, so you came to God late in life...he doesn't hold that against you!  You'll receive the same pay those that have worked in ministry their entire lives will receive.  Take heart!  Our God is KIND!!!

3)  Things are not always fair in the ministry world!!  People sometimes struggle their whole ministry life and to others it looks like it’s amounted to ‘nothing’.  Others are handed a golden ministry and seemingly did very little to obtain it.  Some seem at the right place at the right time.  The workers that started at 5 and only had to work an hour for a full days pay...WHAT??

But I can imagine how excited those workers were.  They had just about given up all hope of getting hired for the day. “No one hired us” they told the vineyard boss. They would have the dreaded job of returning home to their families and having to explain why they have no food for the table again that night.  When they did get hired I bet what went through their heads was “an hour’s pay is better then nothing.”  What a huge surprise and blessing it must have been to them to have received a full days wage for an hour's worth of work.

The harder I work for God does not equal more pay, more blessings, more favor.  That is such a human concept.

God already loves me and wants to bless me with all He has.  I don’t have to work for it.  I’ll get the same amount NO matter what.  When I feel others have been “blessed” more then me I can read in the Parable of the Vineyard workers that we all receive the same amount!! That we are rewarded out of the kindness of God's heart. 

Does this mean I just sit in my house with my head in the clouds waiting for the sweet by and by...NO ALL the workers still had to work their amount of time for the Vineyard Boss .  It just shows that as long as I am doing the will of God for MY life that is what pleases him.  It's a shame that we are so quick to judge in the church world.  We look at everyone else's ministry and either give our nod of approval or shake our heads, tight upper lip, wondering what is going on.  YES, we are to judge the FRUIT of one's ministry but let's be careful that that is all we are judging!
"Friend, I haven't been unfair! I wanted to pay these last workers the same as you. Should you be jealous because I am kind to others?" Matt 20:13-15


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Held Hostage

It's that time again...what time you ask? 


Since last I wrote we have been busy!  Mike with travel and me with a part-time job.  The boys with school and a new hairy addition to our lives!

I took a seasonal job at Thanksgiving to 'meet people', 'have something more to do' and of course make some money to help supplement out simple way of life.  Well as usual that seasonal, fun, just because, job turned into management within 3 months.  Darn my good work ethics :)

I am store lead at the Children's Place.  I use to shop at that store all the time when the boys were little.  Now that they are way to big for the clothing there I get 30% off.  Oh the irony of life!  Besides the benefits to me that the store has offered, I find myself in the middle of many young women with empty hearts.  They have quickly gravitated to me and I've become the big sister they need!  I love how even in the middle of one ministry, if we open our hearts to others, God wants to use us on a daily bases to touch those HE BRINGS to us. LOOK around, who needs what you have??

The boys are winding down the school year.  They have both remained on the Honor Roll the entire school year.  I'm so glad for that after homeschooling last year and having to come into an entirely new district/state.  Joel was invited into the Junior Honor Society... proud mom moment!  Ethan will travel with Mike for over 2 weeks the end of June.  Joel the next month.  It will be nice for them to be back on the road and sharing in the vision again.

We have a very busy ministry schedule ahead of us.  There are so many amazing things that are playing out before our eyes.  Contacts we are making that can only be explained as a 'God thing'.  There are many exciting things in the 'works'.  We will share them as they come into play.    

Hairy addition...yes...I have not forgotten about that earlier statement!  About 3 weeks ago we brought home a 3 pound bouncy puppy boy.  He has been a much blessed addition to our lives.  He is a Boston Terrier the boys named Sieben (pronounced Z-bin), the German word for the number 7.  He is already bi-lingual.  We are teaching him all the commands in English and German.  We plan to take him with us when we move to Berlin so of course he must know German!!  He is super cute ;)

While reading my Bible the other morning I came across a verse that we all know, have heard and probably even used at one time or another to witness to someone.  But for some reason I read it with new eyes.

      'God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors.' -1st Peter 1:18- 

Without a relationship with Jesus it is an empty life.  Movie stars and people that 'have it all' are a great testament to this.  They have EVERYthing money can buy: beauty, fame, material things, money, the spotlight but still we see so many of them depressed, suicidal, divorced, on drugs and down right miserable.  Proving once and for all that money can't and won't buy happiness, nor can it fill the 'hole' we are all born with.  That hole is filled with 1 thing and 1 thing only- a personal, intimate, relationship with Jesus Christ.  Only He can fill the void of an empty life.  Only He can give purpose and a feeling of belonging.  Only He can show you that your life really does matter.

So many people wonder if God really wants them!  This verse along with countless others give proof to the fact that God wanted us and still wants us today. 


Most hostage situations don't go as planned.  The negotiations are hindered with problems. The captor wants to much, the police are not willing to give in.  We have all watched movies on how it plays out.

In the above Bible story the captor wanted lives. Satan wanted to keep the lives of everyone on the earth.  He felt he was owed that much after his fall from Heaven.  But God wanted every life on earth too.  They were at a stand off.  A hostage situation.  But God knew something.  He knew that there was one life that Satan wanted even more then all the lives on earth.  One life that could quench the devils desire for revenge.  One life Satan wanted out of the way once and for all.

That life was Jesus Christ, God's own son. 

With Jesus gone Satan probably saw a 'help wanted' sign over the seat of God's right hand.  A step closer to taking God's throne.  Finally his life long dream of taking over Heaven would be fulfilled.

God in His infinite love for the human race did what negotiators are trained NEVER TO DO.  God paid the ransom.

          'It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.  God chose him as your ransom long before the world began.' -1st Peter 1:19,20-

        He gave over His beloved spotless, beautiful son.
        He gave over the crowned jewel of Heaven.
        He gave over His heart.
        He gave all He could give to pay the ransom for you and me.

Satan was beside himself.  He had the light of Heaven to torture and torment.  He suddenly had a win/win scenario.  He had won the stand off.  He had won the negotiations.  Or so he thought. 


God paid the ransom.  God gave all.  The requirement was met.  Man BELONGED to God.  With such a high ransom paid for you...

           'DON'T slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desire.  For you are a chosen people, God's VERY OWN POSSESIONS.  He called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.'.
                                                               -1st Peter 1:14, 2:9-

You are treasured.  You are loved.  You are owned by the creator of the universe.