We have been at the missions school for little over a week and what a week it has been. We arrived and were told that they thought the boys were much older and would want to room with the "big" boys....all who are over the age of 21. Knowing my boys I figured that would not go over to well ;) So the 4 of us are camping in 1 room! At first I was wondering how I would possibly pull it off...I have a slight OCD (or CDO:) issue! But as I began to put things away in the room God showed me how it was as if each thing in the room had been placed there for us. First there was this magnificent wardrobe that had enough shelves in it for me to place all our clothes on! Next there was a heater in the room not being used that I could spread out things on. I placed the suitcases behind the door and used them to set things on. Every bag I brought has been given a function. I have truly made our little room a home for the next 3 months. (see pictures below)
I can't begin to describe how beautiful Germany is. Even hanging out the clothes to dry on the line (there are not dryers here..well there are but I guess very expensive to own) I have an amazing view to look at. Long walks are a must for me and I can't get enough of the things I see. We are set in a small town that looks as if it has climbed off the pages of a fairy tale book. Each home is very unique and interesting to look at. Many have green vines crawling up the sides of them. There are artsy flairs to even their clothes lines! A lot of the homes have a fence around them and inside are flower gardens that have been very well cared for. The walk I take winds me around the town and out into the fields where there are wind mills and small homes set into the land scape.
The students have of course been the best part of this experience by far. So many different nationality so many stories. I will try to write about a student or 2 every time I can get on (which is just Sundays). Today I pick to write about Min (Me) He is such a sweet Brazilian boy. He has gravitated towards us from the first day. The 2nd night we were here he told Mike he likes to watch how Mike interacts with his sons. He says it is such a good relationship they have together. My heart went out to him. We asked him if he knew his dad and it sounds like there is not much of a relationship there.
I have a heart for many of the students here. God has already used me to give a prophetic word to a young girl, Volga, from Poland. She just wept and wept. Later she thanked me and said that the words I gave her God had been speaking them to her and even that morning He had said some of the exact phases I used :)
I believe Mike and I are here for a number of reasons. The first of course being to seek His face and will for our lives as a family. To get to know Him even deeper then we ever have. But I think we are also here for the students. To impact their lives as a "big brother/big sister" would. I have been praying God would give me a word for each student here and to know when I am to give it to them. I know they will touch our lives as much as we touch theirs.
Each day we get up and have breakfast in a family style setting at long tables. Then we meet for worship and instruction. We have teachings most of the morning till lunch. Then again we eat together. Then depending on the day is how we fill our afternoons. Dinner, worship and different events to fill the night. This schedule runs Tuesday-Thursday. Friday we get up and eat together breakfast but then the rest of the day is seeking God day. This is where we are to truly seek His face. This means finding a quiet spot for most of the day. Then we come together for dinner. Saturday was our first outreach into Dresden. I didn't go this time Mike went. We will take turns so someone can stay with the boys. He really enjoyed it and was able to talk to different Germans he met. Sunday we had worship and a great message about feeding the important things in our lives. Now everyone is eating lunch but I am choosing to write to you all! Monday will be our day off. We plan to go as a family into Missen to look around. Every Monday we will chose a different area to have an adventure in.
We got to see No Longer Music in concert the other night. It was great!! It was awesome to see them live and not just watch little bits and pieces on the internet. I was amazed at the the simple message of the Cross that they bring. I think we as believers complicate Christ so much. God loves you, He sent His only Son to take your place on death row. Jesus defeated the devil that day and now You can become a child of God simply by asking. How come that message gets so bogged down in our American churches?
Keep the blogs coming, girlfriend!! I'll be following. Praying for you and the family and all that God has planned for you to make a difference in Germany! xx00