Not feeling so well tonight so I am not sure how this Blog will turn out! I woke up this morning with a "dry" throat and it has progressed from there to a very sore, every time I swallow throat and I think a fever :( I of course got prayed for so I am believing it be broken and I wake up refreshed and ready to go...especially since tomorrow is our 19th Wedding Anniversary!
I can't believe I am writing that big of a number..19..I have now officially lived longer with my hubby then I have with my parents!! I married at 18. It is just a crazy thought...I get those quite often :)
19 years...I really didn't intend to write a blog about those years but I guess that is where my thoughts are taking me tonight. I love being married I was never one of those girls that was empowered to be 'on her own'. I found a best friend and never wanted to leave his side. I love that we complete each other. I am empowered because I am a part of him. He has never asked me to walk behind him. I have always been firmly at his side. He has promoted me in so many ways it would take many blogs to tell. Mike has never asked me to be less then everything God has called me to be. I can run with purpose and destiny knowing I have a safe place to land! Ok ok enough of that...I know you all want to hear about 'more important things'
So we are ending week 4. It has been a good week. We went to Dresden on our day off with a bunch of friends. We went without any purpose so we could just wander around and enjoy everything. We did find a really pretty church to go into. Later I was walking down a certain street that we have been outreaching on Saturdays. (This has been my first time on the street because Mike has been going) The street is full of skate shops, graffiti, bars and many lost souls! I had a profound moment when I turned around and saw the beautiful church we had been in earlier way off in the distance. It was perfectly dead center. The song that came to mind is a very old one and the chourse goes +I want to run a rescue mission a yard from the gate of Hell, and with everyone I meet take them the gospel and share it well, look around you as you hesitate another solider just fell...let's run to the battle+ Here was this loss street in the shadows of this beautiful church. The church was so far removed from it's 'purpose'. I think so many churches have lost their way it is heart-wrenching.
I started Hip Hop and Insanity this week. Ok a few things about that...I am WHITE so I do not Hip nor do I hop...I have kinda given up on that. However Insanity is more up my ally. Hard work yes but boy do you sweat and it feels good!!
The rest of the week played out like they have been. We had fun at our small group on Friday night. We break up into small groups guys and girls and then same language grouping. So of course I am in the English anyways we decided to do very girly stuff this week~~ eat chocolate cake and paint our nails~~ We did pray for those that needed it and then a few got picked to have everyone say something nice about us. I was overwhelmed by all the sweet things said by the other girls about me. I have touched their hearts as they have touched mine.
Saturday found us in Poland! We went to the Slot Festival there. It was set in the court yard of a very old castle. There were things going on inside the castle and all around the yard. It was cool to be there. It is a Christian festival put on for the unbelievers. It has been very successful and seen many saved throughout the years.
It is such a fun living environment here. I never knew I would like living this way. I love that at any point in time you can join a lively game of ball out in the court yard or learn how to spin fire sticks. You can wander inside and join a group learning each others language or sit down beside someone playing guitar and join them in song. As I mentioned before there is never an end to praying for someone or asking for prayer. There are dance parties that just break out for no reason. There is laughter ringing all around you. Joel has little friends he can be free to run and play with. Ethan can join in or have some alone time in his room. There is always someone to talk with, always someone to lean on, someone to share your heart with. I think it is a very small picture of what Heaven will look like!
I leave you with what I have been dealing with this week. God asked me earlier in the week if I trusted Him about a very huge thing in my life. It was a very clear question...I had to be honest with Him and say "I will get back to you on that"...I love that you can be honest with God :) Throughout the week I have been drawn to Ezekiel 47. Where Ezekiel is taken to the temple and there is water flowing out of it. The man keeps taking him to deeper waters. First his ankles, then knee deep, waist then it was over his head. On the way back Ezekiel saw a great number of trees that had not been there before. It was fresh water and would heal and make whole all it touched. There would be fruit trees whose leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail. I just thought and of course I am applying this to my life so it has my twist on it...that as I am obedient to step out into the waters that flow from God and take the risk of going deeper I will see fruit and fulfil the call of God for my life. Nothing will be able to hinder that!
love and miss you all!!!
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