Week 3 down!
We made it to Berlin and stayed in a Hostel which wasn't all that bad. It had 2 sets of bunk beds. The boys slept on the tops and Mike and I on the bottoms. We had our own bathroom which was nice to not have to share with anyone else. There was basic bedding but no towels to use. The other married couple that went with us had a couple from Ireland in the room with them. It is a neat concept and a great way to meet other people from all around the world. It was a neat experience to add to our ever growing list!
Berlin is a rather large city with lots to see and do. There is NO way you can see everything in a day or even 2...it would take many days to tour around it. We hit the spots we could walk to. We saw the Gold Angel and tried to see the bombed out church but it was under construction. We found a cool lego store and the boys got to make 3 lego people each for about $5, which is really cheap. They got to pick the hat or hair, face, body, legs and something for the people to hold. It was a lot of fun for them and they were quite creative. Joel made a 'ginger' lumberjack which he was quite proud of. Ethan made a short boss man and his 2 hench people..I say people because one was a girl with sunglasses and a big gun! Of course we went and saw Brandenburg Gate and big pieces of the Berlin wall. I have pictures posted on FB. We were so tired by the end of the day. We probably walked 10 miles or more!! To end the day the guys ate at Burger King...lol
Tuesday-Thursday saw us back to our schedule at the school. Good things happening all around us. It is exciting to see the students opening up to God and His plans for their lives. I love at any moment you can look around and see students gathered praying for each other. You only have to say "I don't feel well" and there is a mini-prayer service held :) Worship still amazes me. We do all the songs in English but sometimes when the chorus is simple everyone will sing it in their native tongue. It is so beautiful to hear...I can only wonder if Heaven will sound like that!
Friday-Seek God day- was really nice this week. Mike and I took a 2 1/2 hour walk together. We prayed for 2 hours about everything out loud. We even prayed for all of you! Then we were quiet for 1/2 hour to allow God to speak to us. It was such an amazing time and I want to continue to do it when we return to the states. Life gets away from us and we forget to focus on what really matters...our relationship with Christ and each other :) There are so many things I am learning here that I don't think I gave much time to in everyday life.
This week my prayer has been
~Psalm 139:24~
Search me, O God, and know my heart.
Test me and know my thoughts.
Point out ANYthing in me that offends You.
Lead me along the path of Everlasting life.
The first week we were here one of the speakers asked "How many of you are afraid of going home exactly the same way you came?" My hand shot up. That is my biggest fear to remain the same as I am. To not be changed. To return home no different then how I started this summer. I don't want to let anymore of my life slip by and not grab hold of all God has for me. When He formed me, breathed life into me and called me by name He had so many great plans for my life. He still does!!! I have just let to many things get in the way of those plans. To many worries and fears. To many times of self reliance. To many day to day mundane things that draws my affections away from my creator.
I challange you this week to pray that Psalm and really ask the Father to search your heart and point out things in you that offend Him. It is not pretty I can promise you that but so very rewarding in the end!!!!
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